Key to Common Problems of Cucumbers
Cucumber is one of the most popular fruits in the whole world. It would be difficult to find someone who hasn’t eaten cucumber. I have been planting cucumbers for more than ten years, and I have also faced many problems while growing them. Many gardeners face problems while growing cucumbers, especially beginners. Today, I will tell you about some problems with cucumbers and how to fix those problems.
Insect Bites
Insect bites are a very common problem for every cucumber gardener, and it is the most heartbreaking problem. I have faced this problem many times. When cucumbers grow to a decent size, this happens before wrapping up the fruit. Sometimes insects leave a permanent damage to the fruit. The quality of the fruit becomes dull. So how can you prevent insect bites? When your cucumber grows to a decent size, you have to spray it with organic pesticide before wrapping the cucumber. This spray will help you prevent the insect bite problem.
Leaf Miners
Leaf miners are a huge pain for every cucumber gardener. They damage the leaves of cucumber plants. Because of these leaf miners, cucumber leaves have to face permanent damage. If these leaf miners continue to cause problems for cucumber leaves, you may have a poor harvest. The symptoms of these leaf miners are pretty easy to notice. You will see that cucumber plant leaves are starting to yellow, and you will see small damages in the leaves. So how can you prevent this? Spraying with organic pesticide once a week can prevent these leaf miners.
Pests are a very natural problem for cucumber plants. Do you know that pests can be the cause of your cucumber plants’ death? Pests are powerful enough to kill your entire cucumber plant. They can attack your plant from above or below ground level. So it is very important to identify what type of pest you have in your cucumber plant and learn how they attack their prey so that you can prevent them from harming your plant. Some common pests that can harm your cucumber plant are cucumber thrips, cucumber beetles, squash vine borers, and moths.
Cold Temperatures
Do you know cucumbers are heat-loving fruits? So planting cucumbers in winter or in cold temperatures is a bad idea. When the air and soil temperatures get too low for their liking, cucumbers start to wilt and die. Cucumbers start to wilt and turn brown when the soil temperature is 62°F or below. In other words, it is important to avoid planting cucumbers too early in the season. Many people do not research what is the best time to plant cucumbers. They just plant without any information, which causes a waste of time and money. So you should avoid cold temperatures if you wish to have a good yield of cucumbers.
Lack of Nutrients
Many people complain that their cucumber plants start to have yellow leaves or begin to die. Do you know a lack of nutrients can be a big cause of your yellow leaves? If cucumber plants aren’t given the right amount of nutrients, they may start turning yellow and begin to die. Over-fertilization can also cause your plants to turn yellow. For cucumber plants, the right amount of nutrients is the most important part. For growing their vines rapidly, cucumber plants need nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. You can find all these nutrients in manure fertilizer.